Who do I work with?

I work with individuals over 18.


How often are sessions held?

I like to see clients on a weekly basis as this helps to establish the relationship and provides continuity and momentum to allow clients to explore their issues. However, if this does not fit in with your schedule we can discuss an alternative pattern.


How long is a session?

All sessions are 50 minutes. 


How long does therapy take?

This is not something that can be predicted. I will work with you at your pace and for as long as you feel is necessary. This is mutually negotiable, and we will review our work regularly to check the sessions are of benefit to you and if there is anything we need to change. You are free to end at any stage. 


What if you miss a session?

I ask you to give me 24 hours notice when cancelling a session, otherwise you have to pay the fee whatever the reason for your cancellation.


What is the difference between counselling and psychotherapy?

There is some debate about whether there is a difference between counselling and psychotherapy and they are often used interchangeably. Counselling is generally considered to be shorter-term and focused on one or two particular issues. Psychotherapy is generally open-ended, long-term and might be focused on deeper issues. 


Is therapy confidential?

I take confidentiality extremely seriously. All sessions are confidential and all calls, emails and enquiries are treated in the strictest confidence.


What is a therapy contract?

The therapy contract is an agreement between me, as the therapist and you, as the client, in which we both have rights and responsibilities.  It includes: fees; session length; payment; location; cancellation policy; confidentiality; client contact details; GP details; emergency contact info and ethical codes. The contract is discussed in our first session.



BACP Psychotherapist Rachel Beaumont